Sunday, November 30, 2008

Imogene's Antlers by David Small

Imogene woke up one Thursday morning with antlers! Getting dressed was difficult and getting downstairs was worse because she got her antlers caught in the chandelier. Her mother fainted. The doctor came and the school principal, but no one knew what caused this. Her brother after consulting an encyclopedia declared that she had become a miniature elk! The kitchen maid and the cook used her antlers to dry towels and feed doughnuts (hooked on the antlers) to feed the birds. Her mother called a milliner to make a hat to hide the antlers. It was an an eventful day.

The next morning - no antlers! The family was delighted to see her back to normal. Until she came into the, she has a peacock tail!

Every child I've ever read this to has wanted to speculate out loud about what it would be like to have antlers or an enormous peacock tail. I read it in one class that had my grandson in it. When I mentioned it to his father, my son said, "Mom, you remember Ms C. my Elementary teacher? She would have had us write a story about what happened next." So I pass that suggestion on.

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